How To Fall asleep faster & Have more quality sleep!

Hey everyone! In today's blog post I'm talking about something that is very important, SLEEP! Are you struggling to fall asleep? Do you toss and turn half the night? Do you feel like you get no sleep? Well I'm here to help.

I'm someone who has struggled with sleep for a while. I would say I can be an insomniac. For as long as I can remember I always had a hard time falling asleep. I'm the queen of tossing and turning. At night I always have a billion thoughts trickle through my head. Since then I've found several products that help me fall asleep faster. I also have some tips and tricks lifestyle wise that should help you stop counting those sheep, and start falling asleep faster.

How to fall asleep & get better sleep 

1. This first tip is something very simple that I've found helps a little. That is on all your devices turning on nightshift just a few hours before bed. I personally have mine turn on at 10 pm and not go off until 7am the next morning. Night Shift uses the clock and geolocation of your iOS device to determine when it's sunset in your location. Then it automatically shifts the colors of your display to warmer colors. In the morning, it returns the display to its regular settings. This helps to not disturb your sleep or permit you from not falling asleep. It's just one of those little things that you can incorporate into your routine.

2. Next tip is trying getting what you need from vitamins. I know vitamins can be a topic that some people don't believe in for whatever reason, but I seriously love these vitamins. I have been trying out these Olly vitamins check them out here I've repurchased these a few times. They seriously work so well. I take 1 30 minutes before I want to go to bed. They make me sleepy without making me groggy the morning after. They are a blend of melatonin, L-Theanine, Botanicals which help you fall asleep in a more healthy way, unlike sleeping pills. Add these Ito your night routine and I promise you, you will be falling asleep before you can count those sheep.

3. Next tip also works like a dream is using a pillow spray. There are billions of them on the market, and you can also diy your own check this video out for diy

I personally have this one that I got in a fab fit fun box ages ago. check it out here! This is the This
works Deep Sleep pillow spray natural, aromatherapeutic Superblend of Lavender, Vetivert and Camomile calm both mind and body, soothing you to sleep. I promise you this works so well, a few deep breaths of this and I'm dosing off.

4. Another thing I love is essential oils. There are so many that are amazing and can work well for naturally helping you fall asleep. My personal favorite is lavender check out here! Oils can be pricey, but are worth it. Young Living has to be my favorite oil brand because I know their oils are pure blends ( which means that aren't filled with other ingredients it's just the lavender!) Don't ever feel like you need to spend $30 on an oil, but just make sure If your getting oils to make sure they are 100% pure. Lavender not only smells good, but it is a relaxing, soothing oil. it's probably my favorite of them all. You can rub this onto your neck, or drop a few drops on your hands, and deep breathe it in. You can also spread it onto your pillow for that relaxing sleep. Also you can get a diffuser and defuse this in the bedroom to smell that aroma before bed time as well.  check out my favorite diffuser

5. Lastly I have a few extra small things that will change everything for you. Resist that late night meals. eating large meals  right before bed is a big no no and can greatly impact your sleep. stop eating 2 hours before bed to avoid that food disrupting your sleepy time. Also try not to destress before you hit that pillow. Stress can just make things worse so chill out, everything will be ok!

I hope you guys got some insight from my sleep tips. These are things that truly help me a great amount. I love all these tips and I hope they can get your sleep schedule on the right track. Be sure to leave me a comment down bellow about what your bed time must haves are. I'd Love to hear about it.
Thanks for reading guys! Talk to you soon XOXO -Katie

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